Ukraine: Europe’s biggest Tech country

  • Ukraine is a blooming tech talent pool. We power global tech engines. It’s BRAINing here.
  • Entrepreneurship hub: Start easy, develop fast, grow global with Ukraine. The land of tech freedom.
  • World’s R&D lab. Everything is TECHable with Ukraine.

Blooming tech talent pool

  • #1

    Ukraine is a blooming tech talent pool. We power global tech engines. It’s BRAINing here.

  • #4

    In Eastern Europe by the number of outsourced developers

  • #4

    AI Globally in tech skills proficiency by Courseras’s second edition of the Global Skills Index

  • #6

    Programmers Activity by TopCoder

  • #8

    Best Programmers by SkillValue

Country population
  • 42,5M country population
  • 240К tech talents in IT sector
  • 450K tech talents - forecast for 2024
Tech Education
  • 181 Universities with tech faculties
  • 133 colleges
  • 38 courses
  • 34 tech schools
Tech graduates
  • #1 among European countries for the number of tech graduates
  • 23 000+ qualified IT graduates
  • 130 000 general engineering professionals annually

Start easy

Favourable conditions for business

  • 01

    Low taxes for residents of Diia City: the ability to choose which corporate tax to pay — 9% withholding tax OR 18% income tax; 5% personal income tax (PIT), single social security tax at 22% of minimum pay (aprox. $50), 1.5% military collection; investment promotion taxes

  • 02

    VC common legal tools (convertible loan, options, liquidation preferences, liquidated damages, warranties and indemnities, shareholders agreement) NDA, NSA

  • 03

    IP and business protection guarantees

  • 04

    Simplified administration

  • 05

    Easy kick-off: staffing, scaling, office spaces

Develop fast

Our biggest companies
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  • 556 Tech service companies (Ukrainian ecosystem overview)
  • 1799 Tech product companies (Ukrainian ecosystem overview)
  • 10 Accelerators
  • 87 R&D centers
  • 4 Unicorns: Grammarly, GITLab, BitFury,
  • $571M total VC and PE investment in UA tech companies in 2020
  • 22 IT clusters (Uclusters)
  • 7 Associations
  • 3000+ events
  • 3+ big tech events per year (1000+ visitors)
  • Top 30 Ukraine in top 30 ecosystems globally according to Startup Ecosystem Rankings 2020 by StartupBlink
  • Low cost of living and running a business

Grow global

The place where unicorns are born
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Product companies with most international revenue
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World’s R&D lab

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Benefits for corporates

  • logo-company Heart of Europe
  • logo-company Cool climate
  • logo-company High quality of IT outsourcing
  • logo-company Cheap electricity (nuclear, hydro)
  • logo-company Developed infrastructure (both roads and broadband)
  • logo-company Cheap construction price
  • logo-company 332 offices of A, B+ and B class only in Kyiv
  • logo-company 100+ coworkings in Ukraine
  • logo-company Simplified logistics (international roads, 16 international airports)

Benefits for startups

Government support: Ukrainian Startup Fund - pre-seed and seed state funding for Ukrainian startups
  • $18M the size of the fund
  • 200+ startups received overall investment of $3M+ over 1,5 years
  • 01

    Simplified business administration

  • 02

    Absence of extensive regulations

  • 03

    High quality of life (lifestyle)

  • 04

    Easy access to talent

  • 05

    Vibrant ecosystem (developed communities and massive number of events)

  • 06

    Cheap and abundant coworkings and office spaces

  • 07

    45 investor organizations are already investing in Ukrainian startups

Benefits for investors

  • 01

    Presence of government pre-seed financing (Ukrainian Startup Fund, $18M)

  • 02

    Developed investor pool (45)

  • 03

    Developed industrial infrastructure

  • 04

    Invest-nannies as a government supported project

  • 05

    Government initiatives for improved rights protection

  • 06

    Government initiative: Fund of Funds $50M

  • 07

    Growing number of startups, booming ecosystem

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Techland in the heart of Europe

Experience the freedom of creation

Everything is TECHable with Ukraine

Initiators of ecosystem presentation
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With the support of
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Participating members Invest in Ukraine
Welcome to the beta version of the new Tech Ecosystem of Ukraine website. We would love to hear your thoughts on our new website. Contact us with any feedback you'd care to share via