Product companies
Product companies: 49
Name Description Website
We have developed a revolutionary water treatment method of hydrodynamic evaporation based on supercavitation—it uses in-water cavities to intensify evaporation and reduce skin friction drag on submerged objects. Supercavitation requires up to 10X less energy than current water treatment methods. Our solution treats water from any source, incl. polluted waste & industrial water. -
logo Kray Technologies
The world's first automatic drones for the application of plant protection products and fertilizers in field crops with industrial productivity (up to 470 hectares / day) which reduce the cost of application by 90% to about $ 2 / hectare (in the US market). They allow the farmer to get rid of crop losses associated with the application and apply new technologies of frequent fertilization, which promise a 20-40% increase in yield.
logo MAgro
The goal of the MAgro ecological project is to popularize and implement plant bio-protection through the use of beneficial agricultural insects - acaroentomophages (creating the MBio biofactory) and to provide professional agricultural consultations to farmers (creating the MLab agro-laboratory). The project's implementation will allow agricultural producers (especially organic ones) to partially or completely abandon the use of insecticides and acaricides. Customers will buy protection for crops, plantings, and finished products from pests and weeds. Additionally, they will receive high-quality after-sales support. Producers will also be able to obtain the results of soil, water, fertilizer, plant, seed, and other analyses through the laboratory. The information obtained will allow for quick decision-making and cost reduction in production. An important feature that sets this project apart from competitors is the offer of beneficial phytophages that will combat harmful weeds such as wolfberry and ambrosia. Currently, no producer in Ukraine is engaged in the industrial cultivation of these phytophages.
logo MeteoControl
Inshur Tech is a company that helps farmers and other businesses insure the weather with satellite weather data.
logo Parostok
Parostok – a revolutionary technological unit for pre-sowing seed treatment, which increases yields and resistance to climate conditions using microwave technology. The Parostok stimulates the seed kernel with precise microwave irradiation. This aligns perfectly with the sustainability goals of zero hunger and reduced environmental impact. Our technology is recommended as a methodology for implementation by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. Increasing the germination energy and root growth by 2-4 times. This results in a 15-65% increase in yields of staple crops such as corn, wheat, and sunflower. - -
logo Petiole
Mobile application Petiole measures specific leaf area and total leaf area using a camera of a smartphone less than in a second. It is based on Computer Vision algorithm and makes leaf area measurement more accurate and effective than existing time-wasting methods and expensive equipment. Petiole will be a good tool for any individual or institution interested in agchem candidate development, crop monitoring for health, development and stress, phenotyping applications in both soft fruit and arable sector especially for breeding purposes.
logo PivotHawk
Pivot Hawk is an innovative irrigation monitoring device designed to provide timely alerts for unexpected shutdowns in pivots. It focuses on mitigating risks associated with downtime, ensuring uninterrupted operation for maximum productivity. Quality characteristics include reliability, accuracy, user-friendly installation, and seamless connectivity via cellular towers. -
logo Pytag
A trading and analytical platform for grain trading that uses unique algorithms to collect and process all available digital data on the grain trading market to find objectively the best trade offers for sellers and buyers, and includes the necessary related services.
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