Product companies
Product companies: 49
Name Description Website
logo Scientific Park of Preventive Medicine and Labor Protection - Latest Systems and Technol
Scientific Park of Preventive Medicine and Labor Protection produce a unique technological unit that increases frost and drought resistance, 58 crops were studied, which are grown in Ukraine and are the main agricultural crops in almost all countries of Europe and the USA. Increase in yields corn 15.3%, winter wheat varieties "Soyuz" and "Victoria" 15-27%, Potatoes up to 43%, Sunflower up to 65%, Buckwheat up to 70%, Zucchini up to 175%, etc. The essence of the proposed technology lies in the fact that during microwave stimulation of the seed cell nucleus, a significant increase in its internal energy and potential occurs, which in turn leads to a 2-4-fold increase in their germination energy, volume (up to 3 times) and root strength. systems (including before wintering of winter crops); increasing frost and drought resistance, reducing the ripening period by 10-12 days. By increasing drought and frost resistance, Scientific Park of Preventive Medicine and Labor Protection reduce the risks of not getting a crop for farmers and insurance companies.
Site of announcements for Ukrainian agriculture.
logo Sensefarming
We conduct ongoing research in the field of remote sensing of the Earth and geographic information technologies. We cooperate with specialized specialists and institutes. For more than 10 years, we have been applying and studying innovative methods for diagnosing the state of fields and crops. Unlike many companies, we are physically present in the fields. Our customers receive not only the conclusion but the recommendations that have practical value.
logo Skok Agro
What is the need for this? Land trading is starting - you need a quick express soil analysis when studying the issue of buying a plot (share). In the future, only efficient, which means precision agriculture will survive, which in turn requires an annual soil analysis for each crop with an accuracy of 1 sample per 1 hectare. All this requires a machine (there is no such thing yet) that will automatically take soil samples en masse for analysis or provide a point immediate express analysis. To provide agribusinesses with a device worth UAH 30 thousand in 2020 with the ability to take, label, transport soil samples or perform express analysis on site.
B2B marketplace that helps farmers and traders to interact and make deals online in just a few clicks. Analytical and indicative pricing tools allow farmers to see daily price updates from more than 200 buyer companies and professional market analytics. Buyers can report purchase price updates to more than 5,000 manufacturers at a time. Online auctions allow you to sell your harvest at the best price. Tradomatic helps to get a fair and highest price, saving time on phone calls.
logo Uagri
An online platform for ordering and renting agricultural machinery. We solve the problem of unavailability of modern agricultural machinery for small and medium-sized farms. We also solve the problem of inefficient use, equipment downtime and high cost of equipment maintenance for large farms, agricultural holdings, and equipment owners.
logo Vgreen
Vgreen is based on hydroponics. The best growing conditions for your plants are provided by fully automated lighting and watering -
logo XM^online
Cloud platform for service providers to automate and monetize their services: from smart integration to optimal user dashboards.
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