Product companies
Product companies: 2171
Name Description Website
logo WormNET
WormNET — зелена компанія, яка займається переробкою органічних та їстівних відходів, та виробляє здорові добрива без використання тваринного навозу, для того, щоб наша планета була безпечним місцем. - -
logo Wotan
Developer of an application for investment and portfolio management based on artificial intelligence.
WOW!TOUCH - organic and natural cosmetics and accessories for home SPA care.
logo WritOlogy
WritOlogy is a freelance writing marketplace and a professional writing service combined in one website.
logo XBeam 3D Metal Printing
New Additive Manufacturing technology which was born to make the best attractions of Additive Manufacturing available for wide industrial community and to prove that definition of Additive manufacturing as the Third Industrial Revolution is reality.
logo XM^online
Cloud platform for service providers to automate and monetize their services: from smart integration to optimal user dashboards.
logo XOffice
Technological platform (PropTech marketplace) for direct rental of office real estate, which manages the rental and purchase process from application to agreement. Thanks to modern technology of secure exchange of contacts, we provide tenants with the opportunity to interact directly with the owners of the premises, quickly choose the premises and easily enter the rental process.
logo XOresearch
XOresearch — компанія, що спеціалізується на впровадженні технологій глибокого навчання в реальні продукти для обробки природної мови та охорони здоров'я. - -
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