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Startups benefiting from uaseeds

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We work with the technology of automatic search and identification of humanitarian mines laid out on ...
We developed a gift package for children in their new host counties. This unique set includes five b ...
Briller.House is a distributed network of manufacturing hubs for the pre-fabrication of houses and o ...
We created and patented a unique algorithm on blockchain to store and pass to future your priceless ...
Globally more than 30% of students fail to graduate from school, which leads to a loss of human capi ...
Haiqu is a Ukrainian deep-tech startup with the potential to change the quantum computing ecosystem ...
LEZO career platform accelerates connections between candidates and employers, helping them find eac ...
We provide VR training solutions for workforce development using the Metaenga immersive training pla ...
Our project introduces a UV-based portable water purification system, addressing the urgent need for ...
PaxHelper is a comprehensive solution revolutionizing aviation operations. Focused on enhancing cust ...
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About uaseeds

Seeds of Bravery is a €20 million project funded by the European Union under the European Innovation Council (EIC) to support Ukrainian tech startups bringing them closer to the EU. Seeds of Bravery (UASEEDs) is powered by a network of 17 partners and 2 associated partners, integrating Ukrainian tech innovators in European markets.

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List of startups benefiting from uaseeds

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union, under the European Innovation Council (EIC). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. UASEEDs project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme under grant agreement No 101104445.
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