Product companies
Product companies: 2113
Name Description Website
logo Allset
Allset is a San Francisco-based company of technology experts and forward thinkers with a focus on improving the restaurant dining experience. ,
logo Awesomic
Instead of hiring, interviewing and managing designers in your team, you just get a result: from banners to landing pages. Simply create a task on our platform and get it done in 24 hours by our in-house team with complementary expertise. We do not match you with freelancers, instead of it, awesomic takes all the hassle away. ,
logo ComeBack Mobility
ComeBack Mobility has developed a mobile app that allows doctors to design advanced rehab programs after lower limb fractures and IoT devices that attach to the bottom of crutches for at-home patient rehabilitation. It reduces complications that lead to reoperations, expedites recovery, and improves bone healing, generating additional revenue for practices and savings for payers.
logo DMarket
DMarket is an in-game items monetization technology and platform based on blockchain.
An HR software that empowers leaders to build high-performing teams.
A text-to-video platform that allows users to generate video content with virtual presenters from text.
logo EVO
A group of companies operating in several CIS countries. The monthly audience of marketplaces totals 121M users; the turnover reaches almost $100M. The company merged with Rozetka in summer 2018. Projects:,,,,,,, Вчасно,
logo IDeals Solutions
The iDeals Solutions Group is an international B2B SaaS company that provides the best virtual data room technologies. Founded in 2008, it has been recognized for effectively facilitating complex financial transactions such as M&A, fundraising, IPO, debt financing, bankruptcy, investor reporting, etc.
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